Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Where Do We Go From Here?


Jen, the Cookie Empress said...

You be different and go in the middle :P

Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...

THis is a good question. How do we end? Or do we end? The class has been very interesting and it has become a part of my everyday life to check the class blog and read what people have to say. Do people think the blog will continue. Is this a forum that will still hold a discussion once the semester is over.


pd9079 said...

I think I will keep checking the site for a while since it has become like a routine for me. It may not be as often but I still think I will keep checking it. I think people will continue to follow if questions or comments about topics we have talked about in class are still being brought up and are challenging us to think. I think a few people might drop off because they are no longer recquired to check it, but I do think there will still be some followes.