Sunday, October 26, 2008


Firstly, I know someone (Adrienne I think) set up a youtube account for the class to post videos but I forget what the username/password is! If anyone could help me out that would be great because I need to 1) post my group's video and 2) watch the ones that I missed.

Secondly, I really enjoyed the last class. I didn't really have any specific expectations going into the class regarding the videos but I'm really glad that they all were so different. Each group took the extremely loose guidelines of making something that was Rebooting America + something you researched + theme/message of some sort and ran with it. Even though I didn't get a chance to see all of the videos, the ones that I did see were great. I was impressed with how they picked a topic/issue and tackled it by using pictures, clips, etc.

I don't remember who said it in class, but I completely agree with the point that making the videos forced us to have more than just conceptual understanding of Rebooting America. We had to go beyond the powerpoint with the "key points from the book" and connect to real, concrete, visual examples that meant something, not just abstract concepts. We had to have a real interaction with the book in order to create something that was creative and entertaining. Within my group, I found that those who had a actually read Rebooting America and had a good understanding of it made a more valuable contribution to the overall video presentation. 

When working on the project, I started my own short film which I hope to finish soon. So watch for it!


J said...


Password: blogging
Security question: What is the name of your Professor?
Answer: Jodi Dean

Account name: JodisClass
Password: blogging363

CG said...

thank you!!