Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Upon reading the comment on my last post I realized I made a bit of an error regarding that question....I never really answered it! So thank you inconvenience. Therefore, in response to your question, I feel that it is neither a positive nor a negative thing to be so interconnected with daily technologies. If the technology (such as computers) became a crutch and one is entirely dependent upon it, then yes, I believe it would be detrimental. But it is not wrong for technologies such as writing to fuse with those who utilize them because, "writing is utterly invaluable and indeed essential for the realization of fuller, interior, human potentials." (Ong, 23)
To answer your second question: no, I do not feel defined by my technology. As stated in my previous post, I feel as though it is a part of me but not one easily distinguishable and not one that should play any role in defining me. 

1 comment:

J said...

isn't there a difference between what makes you who you are and what defines you? I would say that literacy makes you who you are. Definition is something else. Most contemporary Americans resist any claim to be defined; what's interesting is that this resistance actually defines contemporary Americans.