Total in absolute time (view * video length):
Obama: 14,548,809.05 hours
McCain: 448,093.01 hours
How much would it cost to buy this much airtime if you were purchasing TV time?
Its around $46,893,000.
Trippi makes one additional point. We're not comparing apples to apples, since a TV ad is a form of push media that interrupts people's attention, while web video is much more a pull media, where we chose to watch. As he said, "The finer point would be that people were not forced to watch these -- they wanted to watch them -- they chose to watch them."
Can any candidate afford to ignore YouTube in the future?
Something that came to mind while reading this: since people choose to watch particular political videos on youtube, do you think they watch ads for a candidate their opposed to? Or are pro-obama users simply watching obama ads, and vice versa for mccain supporters? If these things are true, how much candidates actually utilize youtube would seem to matter less.
David brings up a good question. I personally try to stay well versed in the youtube videos for both sides. I may be an Obama supporter, but do like to be informed of McCain. It is important to consider that these viewers are voluntarily taking ti upon themselves to watch. Very different than watching a TV show that contains political commercials. Do people really appreciate being exposed to commercials and advertisements when watching a show?
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