Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Twitter 101

I had a great time using Twitter during the debate. Initially it seemed strange to just post random comments but as more people got on it was fun to have the interaction. I was planning on watching the debate regardless, but Twitter-ing the debate made me focus more both on what the candidates were saying but also how they were saying it, their body language, etc. I suppose my experience on Twitter was akin to sitting in room with friends watching the debate commenting, joking, laughing etc. (Although these friends were a bit slow to respond at points.)

While I think the experiment was overall a success, it would have been fun to have more people involved. If there was a greater difference in opinions there would have been a better debate among ourselves not just the one on TV. (Prior to the debate, I actually got a few of my friends from different schools to join me in Twitter-ing their responses to the debate because I knew they would be different from our class'.)

Even though the whole idea of Twitter seemed pretty pointless initially,  I found that the more I used it the more natural it became, even after the debate was over. I hope the same was true for my classmates (esp those who had trouble with the concept). I look forward to using this platform again as different means of communication.

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